our services


The right services that you
need to operate smoothly.

Knowing your business and where you stand is important.
But even more important is knowing where you are headed and how to achieve that.
From evaluating your situation and taking the next step, using your own knowledge, we
are your sounding board on that journey. Our services are tailor made to your needs.

Our Services

Compilation and review of financial reports

Financial reporting has become a complex matter because of the frequently changing regulations.

It can be a headache for your business. A compilation report by an auditor can be required by one of your stakeholders or by law. If your
most effective business decisions are based on your annual statements, it is important that your decisions are made on the basis of qualified information.

You need an experienced and qualified team to prepare your financial statements. Our team has qualified experience in preparing financial statements in different industries in the Dutch Caribbean market as well as in the Netherlands.

We believe we are the financial professionals for you. Besides providing you with a compilation report, we can discuss tailor-made services for your company. 

interim management

Your financial professional has gone to pursue their career somewhere else or is temporarily not in the office. You cannot fill the position yourself on a short notice, so you need a professional who can bridge this gap. We can assist you in this particular situation. We have financial professionals on different levels, who can gather the financial knowledge required and pass it on once you find that new financial person for your company.

support with tax audits

Support with external audits
An external audit can be time-consuming for your employees and requires expertise. Because our professionals have audit experience, they are often asked to help with external audits. Our support consists in preparing the audit file and financial statements, be a liaison with the external auditor and transfer knowledge to your finance department.

Support with internal audit
Internal audit can be essential for your company. It identifies errors and redundancies in operational and control procedures. Depending on the size of your company you can have an internal auditor available within your company or you can ask us to come and check your process as required.

financial reports for fiscal purposes

In order to comply with the law, all businesses, regardless of their size, in the Dutch Caribbean are obliged to submit an annual report to the Tax Authorities. Our commitment is that you meet this deadline and comply with your tax obligations. We take care of your fiscal report.

We work together with your tax advisors to ensure you comply with the law and minimize your liabilities. We will also be looking after your interests in the event of a tax investigation.

Management Reports

Management reports are important for your business decisions. It is up-to-date information that can help you navigate future developments. We can tailor-make your management reports based on key performance indicators, that show you where you are and where you could be.

Bookkeeping requires specific knowledge and is undervalued or neglected in most businesses. We know it is often hard to keep up to date with your accounts. What you desire is an updated and accurate accounting. Developments in online
accounting have created many smart systems to facilitate and streamline this process, so you can have timely financial information to run your business on accurate information.

Business plans
You have an entrepreneurial vision. Instead of just keeping that idea in your mind, it can work to your advantage to put it in writing. In a business plan you describe your purpose, your product or service in detail. It also enables you to see the gaps and inconsistencies in your plan and how to deal with them. It is the way smart entrepreneurs attract investors and obtain financing. We have professionals who can assist you in making this important business plan.

Looking for accounting services?

We are happy to assist you with any question or inquiries